Friday, November 21, 2014

Artistry as a Cynosure

   A way of giving zest to your monotonous life is by the use of your own creativity as another form indoor recreation. Create, invent and customize used things that can be found inside your home. Find leisure by the use of your artistry and imaginative mind.

  To make use of your finesse and at the same time escape boredom, you can enhance your painting, drawing and crafting skills. You can follow tutorials on YouTube about the principles of art and color combinations- then apply. You can also create mini castles by the use of Lego blocks and solve puzzles or Rubik's cube. You can also try make-up and hair styling tutorials, it's really fun tho. If you don't know how, you can actually refer to the internet for help, yes, I usually do that.

It's more fun with arts!

   You can do some craft works like crochet and embroidery.  All you need are pieces of cloth, needle, yarn, thread and crochet hooks. I often do these stuff whenever I'm bored. I make headbands and purses out of crochet and embroider flowers together with my name on my handkerchief. At times, I also sew and design dresses, shirts and bags using our sewing machine or simply with hand sewing.

    Recycle plastic bottles and turn them into plant pots. I collect 1.5 - 3 liters plastic bottles and paint them with attractive butterflies or floral designs. I make five holes under it so that it would be a suitable flower pot. To utilize my artistry in flower arranging, I'm the one who organizes my grandmother's flower garden according to the flora's shades or kinds. 

   Enhance your inventiveness by means of customizing your clothes so that the "old school" ones will fit in. I usually dye my old white-turned-to-dirty-white shirts with my choice of hue. To make it more fab, I remove the worn out sleeves. I also make some improvements to my old ragged shorts and old fashion denims. I cut it short, remove the hemming and then fiber the ends out. After that, I dye those with different color combinations. You, too, can try this! Don't limit yourself with the example I gave, you can also add more like prints and bleach art.

Design it the way you like it! 

   Have fun while assembling bracelets or necklaces out of different kinds and sizes of colorful beads or even with yard and loom bands. For me, I don't only make accessories but also religious items like rosaries. 

Have fun making your personal design accessories!

   Of course, try designing your house according to what season your place is having. Since Christmas is near,  I decorated our house days ago with Christmas lights, Christmas tree, bells, golden balls and the Belen. Last Halloween, I made my room turn into a horror booth by placing some toy spiders, ghost masks and fake cab webs on the door. It's really fun and at the same time fulfilling after finishing, especially when you get compliments on how well you did it.
Enjoy decorating your home or personal room according to your taste!

  There are actually more ways on how you can make personal artistry as a cynosure. Entertain yourself not only by things that are already available but with those which you can make fun of and at the same time, use. Erase boredom by discovering ways on how to make things around you more beautiful. Indeed, happiness in life is hidden, you need to find it! Give it a try and see how your fuddy-duddy life become fruitful!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Motion Pictures

    Movie marathon is another indoor recreation that I recommend as a good source of entertainment especially when partnered with food or anything mouth-watering to munch on. The activity gives leisure to the eyes as well as to you improve your critical way of thinking. You can relate with most of the stories and can feel like being actually part of the clip because of the amazing graphics, sound effects and the emotions conveyed by the characters. The advantage of watching movies is that you don't need to have complicated and false imaginations because the scenes are already clearly shown.


   Having movie marathon can also relieve stress especially when you watch inspirational and happy ending type of movies. So far, I consider the movie 3 idiots as the best example for this type that I've watched lately, because it somehow reduced the pressure and stress I felt in my studies. Tragic love affairs and melodramas often makes me cry that's why I don't watch those. Cliffhangers are the provoking-the-mind's-eye type but somehow they're disappointing because as for me, I really want to know every tale's finale. 

   Sci-Fi and adventure movies are the exciting ones and with that, you tend to forget stress and concentrate on the next things that'll happen in the movie.Cute love stories make you forget your actual age and lightens your feeling in a way that you tend to feel younger.

   You can watch movies in cinemas for high definition viewing but if saving, you can just watch at home through DVD, mobile phones, PC, TV or download from torrent. You can also go to movie houses for comfort. It's best to watch movies with your family and friends so that you can share youtr thoughts and reactions about the film but sometimes, I prefer it alone, especially when I feel like needing a time to reflect by myself and to avoid distractions.


   Movies are not only for mere amusement but are books in action which give moral lessons. Before I watch a certain film, I read reviews about the essay to assure that I can get something from the movie. Give yourself a break, engaged yourself in movies and enjoy the graphics, characters, special effects and the feels. This is a good way to filter all strains in your mind. Don't let dull moments insert in your schedule, try watching awesome movies and say goodbye to boredom.

Paper Pen Peruse

Paper, pen, reading materials and a comfortable spot - these are the only things you need in order to unwind your mind. Recreation does not necessarily require a cheerful atmosphere, sometimes, you can find leisure in silence. This time we'll be focusing on another indoor recreation which is the combination of reading and writing.


Reading and Writing, although done in a hushed manner, can also be sources of entertainment and diversion. You can actually travel to different worlds and experience a variety of emotions plus a sort of thrill and excitement by just reading books, novels, articles and e-books. You can let go of your feelings like depressions, bitterness, doubts, ideas and confessions through writing essays, personal diaries and blogs. You don't need to spend while doing these for all you need is to find a cozy location inside your house such as your bedroom, living room, or even at your kitchen so that there will be instant access to food. You can also read and write during vacant time at school or business.

Reading for some may be tiresome and boring but I tell you, reading is pleasurable especially when you look through adventure books like Percy Jackson series and science fictions. As you run your eye over it, you seem to be in the locale where the scene is set. Love stories are also interesting especially those tragic ones for you can really feel the pain and the struggle of the persons involved in the relationship. Inspirational stories can brighten your mood and cheer you up whenever you feel like the world is against you.


 If your saving, you don't need to spend too much just to buy all these books actually, for you can access the internet and simply download the books' PDF versions or you may search them on wattpad and ebook. If your a fan of someone or something, it's really engaging to read those imagination-triggering fan fictions. Personal blogs are also engrossing for you'll really know about strange things that you never thought are existing or did existed.

Reading through ebooks

Writing on the other hand, like reading is also a good source of past time. You can write not only because it is required, you can also do it out of passion and entertainment. You can create your personal diary in order to express your concealed sentiments. You can also make your own blogs and creative stories on wattpad so that other people can read, relate and leave comments on your story or article. You can publish books that can motivate and give readers experience-based  life lessons. You learn while you compose your thoughts; you learn as you recall occurrence. This is low-cost hobby by the way, so no need to worry about spending 'cause a pen and paper are enough.


Reading and Writing always come in pair - you learn to write while you read and learn how to understand article once you write. It's best to have this activity done while eating something like snacks or deserts. You may also provide background music for better reflection. Indeed, these two are really good things to do in order to beat boredom and nourish your unhealthy schedule.