Thursday, November 20, 2014

Paper Pen Peruse

Paper, pen, reading materials and a comfortable spot - these are the only things you need in order to unwind your mind. Recreation does not necessarily require a cheerful atmosphere, sometimes, you can find leisure in silence. This time we'll be focusing on another indoor recreation which is the combination of reading and writing.


Reading and Writing, although done in a hushed manner, can also be sources of entertainment and diversion. You can actually travel to different worlds and experience a variety of emotions plus a sort of thrill and excitement by just reading books, novels, articles and e-books. You can let go of your feelings like depressions, bitterness, doubts, ideas and confessions through writing essays, personal diaries and blogs. You don't need to spend while doing these for all you need is to find a cozy location inside your house such as your bedroom, living room, or even at your kitchen so that there will be instant access to food. You can also read and write during vacant time at school or business.

Reading for some may be tiresome and boring but I tell you, reading is pleasurable especially when you look through adventure books like Percy Jackson series and science fictions. As you run your eye over it, you seem to be in the locale where the scene is set. Love stories are also interesting especially those tragic ones for you can really feel the pain and the struggle of the persons involved in the relationship. Inspirational stories can brighten your mood and cheer you up whenever you feel like the world is against you.


 If your saving, you don't need to spend too much just to buy all these books actually, for you can access the internet and simply download the books' PDF versions or you may search them on wattpad and ebook. If your a fan of someone or something, it's really engaging to read those imagination-triggering fan fictions. Personal blogs are also engrossing for you'll really know about strange things that you never thought are existing or did existed.

Reading through ebooks

Writing on the other hand, like reading is also a good source of past time. You can write not only because it is required, you can also do it out of passion and entertainment. You can create your personal diary in order to express your concealed sentiments. You can also make your own blogs and creative stories on wattpad so that other people can read, relate and leave comments on your story or article. You can publish books that can motivate and give readers experience-based  life lessons. You learn while you compose your thoughts; you learn as you recall occurrence. This is low-cost hobby by the way, so no need to worry about spending 'cause a pen and paper are enough.


Reading and Writing always come in pair - you learn to write while you read and learn how to understand article once you write. It's best to have this activity done while eating something like snacks or deserts. You may also provide background music for better reflection. Indeed, these two are really good things to do in order to beat boredom and nourish your unhealthy schedule.

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