Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Physical Fitness

    It is important to take care of our bodies and be aware of our physical health but sometimes, we tend to get tired or lazy.  We tend to neglect our bodies’ need of daily exercise and physical activities which are necessary to maintain the good condition of our joints and muscles. Most people prefer to simply be stationary and just eat which should not be. There should be a balance of the calories burned in order to prevent illnesses and have an ideal figure.

     Many of us think that bodily activities are just tiresome and waste of time but it is actually enjoyable and fun if you design your own style of doing such. Physical Activities can also be forms of recreation, either indoor or outdoor.

        Exercise comes first when it comes to physical activities. To make exercising not boring, don’t stick to the classic way. Do a bit of modification by adding some music and creating unique movement combinations which you find comfortable of doing. You can try watching Aerobic dances on YouTube and Zumba DVDs. You can also follow and read exercise guides suggested by different bloggers.

     If you want to have more fun, invite your friends or family and try using Xbox which are available in malls and amusement parks. You can make dancing as a form of exercise too. Dancing doesn’t only develop our body coordination but at the same improves our well being. You can watch k-pop, hip-hop, lyrical and basic dance tutorials on YouTube. It’s best to do it in a spacious area and with friends if possible.

     Sport games are also very advisable. These activities are efficient in burning calories and help you develop lung and body endurance. You can freely enjoy playing different kinds of sport games like basketball, volleyball, table tennis, soccer, patintero, swimming and many more. Go out and feel the good weather as you play with your friends. You can also have biking and mountain climbing with peers or relatives. It can help you improve initiative and sense of leadership at the same use those unreleased energy.

    You can also meditate and engage in Yoga or in solemn stretching exercises. You can also try gymnastics and acrobatics if you want to challenge yourself. For those who are quite busy, you can actually stay fit even while working by taking time to take short walks and using the staircase in going to your offices or rooms. You can also jog with your pet, do household chores with music on and use jumping ropes or Chinese garters.

     There are a lot of entertaining things you can try in order to improve your physical health and well being just like the ones mentioned above. Don't give yourself excuses and say no to boredom. Enjoy and live while you're young. Make yourself the best version!


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