Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Technology in Manuever

       Technology today is relatively near to reaching its peak.  Almost all information we need are already in the internet. So to make use of this invention, you can divert this as a form of recreation and past time through social networking sites, online games and other websites.

     I can testify that there's no such thing called boredom when you have an access to the internet. As long as you have a PC, laptop, android and i phones plus WiFi, time runs so fast that you'll never experience even a minute of doing absolutely nothing. You can download any app or game you want. You can just enjoy playing with your phones without spending much.

      You can also play games with your friends without having them personally present. You can just play through online networking and there you go, an instant group pastime. You can talk with your friends or family members who are abroad without meeting them personally through Skype, Messenger, Viber, Kakao Talk, Line. You can either way video calls, or simply free calls or just typed chats. 

     You can watch movies through the internet by downloading on Torrent and read book via PDF versions. You can also explore Facebook and have fun reading and watching your friends', groups' and liked pages' posts. Feel motivated by reading inspirational tweets on twitter. You can also stalk people like your favorite artists or even your crushes. Now, you can already easily express your emotions, feelings, heartaches and thoughts through social media.

     Enjoy editing pictures and editing videos by the use of online photo editors. Watch any video, series or variety shows you like on YouTube. You can also read and create fan fictions on Wattpad. You can download songs, have karaoke and dance tutorials on dailymotion and soundcloud. You can also appreciate different styles of picture editing through instagram and tumblr. Any tutorial you want on how to make a certain thing are mostly available on YouTube and blogs. 

     You can also research different trivia that can trigger your imagination which would make you alert and mentally active.  You can  also answer quizzes and psychological tests for fun. You can read interest-based blogs and personal spazzing accounts.

 There are actually a lot more things you can do with the use of internet connection  to forget about boredom but never forget that too much of something is dangerous. Use the internet wisely and not to abusive yourself by staying awake late nights sitting in front of the computer and simply going through social media. This is only an alternative, yes the easiest alternative thing to do whenever you feel monotonous. 

Splash and Cool off

        In houses without air conditioners, it's really hot especially during summer times. Because of the humidity, we tend to become lazy to move and would rather choose to sleep. This kind of schedule is clearly unproductive. Get rid of this boring lifestyle by cooling off outdoors through swimming in the beach, pools, natural rivers, lakes and waterfalls. Go out, splash, swim and enjoy this kind of recreational activity.

      Don't forget to apply sunblock cream and lotion for ultra violet protection before going out and exposing youself under the heat of the sun in order to avoid sunburn. As always, it's more fun when you're with peers or family. It is a must to bring meals, snacks and drink when going to beaches, pools etc. because in the middle of your swimming enjoyment, you'll always feel hungry. Of course, don't forget to wear proper swimming attire.

      You can choose wherever beach, pool, falls, or springs you want to go. If you prefer to go to a beach, choose the safest and most organized one and to have security, you better go to high quality beach resorts. Choose a cottage or rest house that you are comfortable of and never leave your things unattended. What's good about beaches is that the water is natural and continuously flowing plus you can enjoy making sand castles and catching suitable-for-aquarium kinds fishes.    

    Have fun splashing through the natural waves but be careful with sea urchins and sharp rocks. You can also bring surfing boards and try riding banana boats or jet-skis. Find luxury in sun bathing and  burying yourself in the sand. Enjoy swimming and floating in salt water and feel the fresh sea breeze. You may play with your friends some games like beach volleyball, ball catching, catching game and other more pastimes you wish to frolic.

     If you like to go pools, choose those who have life guards and proper water maintenance because in some swimming pools, they are not changing the water regularly that makes all the dirt/bacteria concentrated on the water which can cause skin disease on the other swimmers. Be always considerate of the prices of the cottages and the entrance fees because some may be more expensive but are with lesser quality. Swim and enjoy with your companions but always remember to set limits in terms of the depth of the pool where you'll be swimming in.  You can use floaters and romp with friends. 

     If you don't like spending much, then go to open seas and natural flowing waterways. Most provinces have clean rivers and springs. You can go their if you have relatives or friends living nearby. Don't ever try to immediately dive in unknown water bodies for it may cause you accident and worst, drowning. Have an expert guide you especially when you swim in waterfalls because you might be going out of your boundaries and be carried away by the rushing water current. 

     Forget all stressors and appreciate how nature makes you feel comfortable. Splash, swim, relax and cool off until you feel that satisfaction you've been craving for. Life is never dull as long as you know how to go against boredom. Let nature help you make your life colorful.  

Take a Backpack

         Life is dull when we just stay at home for the rest of our lives. Sometimes, we need to take a break from stress and explore the happiness which the outside world brings. Come on take a backpack and travel. Discover new and beautiful things through journeys, it's also a good example of a recreational activity.

        It's more fun to have a make a journey when you are with your friends or family because most of the time, it's boring when you go alone for no there's no one whom you can share your ideas, thoughts and excitements with. The trip will be a lot better when you take food and drinks with you. You can also bring gadgets for picture taking and pocket WiFi for emergency use like location services and messaging. Of course, include extra towel or handkerchief, tissue, more than enough money, sunblock lotion and extra shirt in your things-to-bring list.



Start going to those places that are near your home like rest houses located in nearby provinces, friends' homes and alluring spots that can be seen in your locality. Before wandering to different islands, begin to explore your own home town first. You can have picnics on those places and watch the sun go down as you inhale fresh air.


          Continue your tour by trying all means of transportation such as buses, boats, ships and airplanes. Venture to different provinces found in your island and experience how to live in rural areas to make the encounter worth it. Jump form one island to another and range over famous land and water forms. Observe the people's tradition and language for you can really learn a lot out of those. Try all the special delicacies they have and maximize your time by going to tourist spot which made that certain place, popular. 

         After having land and water travel, try air travel for a better tour experience. You can chose from either domestic or international departures -but preferably, go for international. After saving money, never miss the chance to go outside your country's territorial areas and feel the air circulating i other countries. You can enjoy watching new infrastructures, interacting with strangers and adjusting to their culture and type of weather.

         Look forward in seeing popular locales in that certain country and do not just waste time by staying inside your hotel. C'mon, your purpose is to discover and at same time relax, not just to stuck your self in a monotonous moment. Savor the their type of food and the memories you get.

        Travelling to other distinctive places makes us feel satisfied and comfortable. Indeed, it makes us forget stress in a while and luxuriates our minds. By travelling around the globe, we'll not only enjoy the view but also get many lessons out of it. Now, take a backpack and find the happiness that awaits outdoors.

Physical Fitness

    It is important to take care of our bodies and be aware of our physical health but sometimes, we tend to get tired or lazy.  We tend to neglect our bodies’ need of daily exercise and physical activities which are necessary to maintain the good condition of our joints and muscles. Most people prefer to simply be stationary and just eat which should not be. There should be a balance of the calories burned in order to prevent illnesses and have an ideal figure.

     Many of us think that bodily activities are just tiresome and waste of time but it is actually enjoyable and fun if you design your own style of doing such. Physical Activities can also be forms of recreation, either indoor or outdoor.

        Exercise comes first when it comes to physical activities. To make exercising not boring, don’t stick to the classic way. Do a bit of modification by adding some music and creating unique movement combinations which you find comfortable of doing. You can try watching Aerobic dances on YouTube and Zumba DVDs. You can also follow and read exercise guides suggested by different bloggers.

     If you want to have more fun, invite your friends or family and try using Xbox which are available in malls and amusement parks. You can make dancing as a form of exercise too. Dancing doesn’t only develop our body coordination but at the same improves our well being. You can watch k-pop, hip-hop, lyrical and basic dance tutorials on YouTube. It’s best to do it in a spacious area and with friends if possible.

     Sport games are also very advisable. These activities are efficient in burning calories and help you develop lung and body endurance. You can freely enjoy playing different kinds of sport games like basketball, volleyball, table tennis, soccer, patintero, swimming and many more. Go out and feel the good weather as you play with your friends. You can also have biking and mountain climbing with peers or relatives. It can help you improve initiative and sense of leadership at the same use those unreleased energy.

    You can also meditate and engage in Yoga or in solemn stretching exercises. You can also try gymnastics and acrobatics if you want to challenge yourself. For those who are quite busy, you can actually stay fit even while working by taking time to take short walks and using the staircase in going to your offices or rooms. You can also jog with your pet, do household chores with music on and use jumping ropes or Chinese garters.

     There are a lot of entertaining things you can try in order to improve your physical health and well being just like the ones mentioned above. Don't give yourself excuses and say no to boredom. Enjoy and live while you're young. Make yourself the best version!


Friday, November 21, 2014

Artistry as a Cynosure

   A way of giving zest to your monotonous life is by the use of your own creativity as another form indoor recreation. Create, invent and customize used things that can be found inside your home. Find leisure by the use of your artistry and imaginative mind.

  To make use of your finesse and at the same time escape boredom, you can enhance your painting, drawing and crafting skills. You can follow tutorials on YouTube about the principles of art and color combinations- then apply. You can also create mini castles by the use of Lego blocks and solve puzzles or Rubik's cube. You can also try make-up and hair styling tutorials, it's really fun tho. If you don't know how, you can actually refer to the internet for help, yes, I usually do that.

It's more fun with arts!

   You can do some craft works like crochet and embroidery.  All you need are pieces of cloth, needle, yarn, thread and crochet hooks. I often do these stuff whenever I'm bored. I make headbands and purses out of crochet and embroider flowers together with my name on my handkerchief. At times, I also sew and design dresses, shirts and bags using our sewing machine or simply with hand sewing.

    Recycle plastic bottles and turn them into plant pots. I collect 1.5 - 3 liters plastic bottles and paint them with attractive butterflies or floral designs. I make five holes under it so that it would be a suitable flower pot. To utilize my artistry in flower arranging, I'm the one who organizes my grandmother's flower garden according to the flora's shades or kinds. 

   Enhance your inventiveness by means of customizing your clothes so that the "old school" ones will fit in. I usually dye my old white-turned-to-dirty-white shirts with my choice of hue. To make it more fab, I remove the worn out sleeves. I also make some improvements to my old ragged shorts and old fashion denims. I cut it short, remove the hemming and then fiber the ends out. After that, I dye those with different color combinations. You, too, can try this! Don't limit yourself with the example I gave, you can also add more like prints and bleach art.

Design it the way you like it! 

   Have fun while assembling bracelets or necklaces out of different kinds and sizes of colorful beads or even with yard and loom bands. For me, I don't only make accessories but also religious items like rosaries. 

Have fun making your personal design accessories!

   Of course, try designing your house according to what season your place is having. Since Christmas is near,  I decorated our house days ago with Christmas lights, Christmas tree, bells, golden balls and the Belen. Last Halloween, I made my room turn into a horror booth by placing some toy spiders, ghost masks and fake cab webs on the door. It's really fun and at the same time fulfilling after finishing, especially when you get compliments on how well you did it.
Enjoy decorating your home or personal room according to your taste!

  There are actually more ways on how you can make personal artistry as a cynosure. Entertain yourself not only by things that are already available but with those which you can make fun of and at the same time, use. Erase boredom by discovering ways on how to make things around you more beautiful. Indeed, happiness in life is hidden, you need to find it! Give it a try and see how your fuddy-duddy life become fruitful!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Motion Pictures

    Movie marathon is another indoor recreation that I recommend as a good source of entertainment especially when partnered with food or anything mouth-watering to munch on. The activity gives leisure to the eyes as well as to you improve your critical way of thinking. You can relate with most of the stories and can feel like being actually part of the clip because of the amazing graphics, sound effects and the emotions conveyed by the characters. The advantage of watching movies is that you don't need to have complicated and false imaginations because the scenes are already clearly shown.


   Having movie marathon can also relieve stress especially when you watch inspirational and happy ending type of movies. So far, I consider the movie 3 idiots as the best example for this type that I've watched lately, because it somehow reduced the pressure and stress I felt in my studies. Tragic love affairs and melodramas often makes me cry that's why I don't watch those. Cliffhangers are the provoking-the-mind's-eye type but somehow they're disappointing because as for me, I really want to know every tale's finale. 

   Sci-Fi and adventure movies are the exciting ones and with that, you tend to forget stress and concentrate on the next things that'll happen in the movie.Cute love stories make you forget your actual age and lightens your feeling in a way that you tend to feel younger.

   You can watch movies in cinemas for high definition viewing but if saving, you can just watch at home through DVD, mobile phones, PC, TV or download from torrent. You can also go to movie houses for comfort. It's best to watch movies with your family and friends so that you can share youtr thoughts and reactions about the film but sometimes, I prefer it alone, especially when I feel like needing a time to reflect by myself and to avoid distractions.


   Movies are not only for mere amusement but are books in action which give moral lessons. Before I watch a certain film, I read reviews about the essay to assure that I can get something from the movie. Give yourself a break, engaged yourself in movies and enjoy the graphics, characters, special effects and the feels. This is a good way to filter all strains in your mind. Don't let dull moments insert in your schedule, try watching awesome movies and say goodbye to boredom.

Paper Pen Peruse

Paper, pen, reading materials and a comfortable spot - these are the only things you need in order to unwind your mind. Recreation does not necessarily require a cheerful atmosphere, sometimes, you can find leisure in silence. This time we'll be focusing on another indoor recreation which is the combination of reading and writing.


Reading and Writing, although done in a hushed manner, can also be sources of entertainment and diversion. You can actually travel to different worlds and experience a variety of emotions plus a sort of thrill and excitement by just reading books, novels, articles and e-books. You can let go of your feelings like depressions, bitterness, doubts, ideas and confessions through writing essays, personal diaries and blogs. You don't need to spend while doing these for all you need is to find a cozy location inside your house such as your bedroom, living room, or even at your kitchen so that there will be instant access to food. You can also read and write during vacant time at school or business.

Reading for some may be tiresome and boring but I tell you, reading is pleasurable especially when you look through adventure books like Percy Jackson series and science fictions. As you run your eye over it, you seem to be in the locale where the scene is set. Love stories are also interesting especially those tragic ones for you can really feel the pain and the struggle of the persons involved in the relationship. Inspirational stories can brighten your mood and cheer you up whenever you feel like the world is against you.


 If your saving, you don't need to spend too much just to buy all these books actually, for you can access the internet and simply download the books' PDF versions or you may search them on wattpad and ebook. If your a fan of someone or something, it's really engaging to read those imagination-triggering fan fictions. Personal blogs are also engrossing for you'll really know about strange things that you never thought are existing or did existed.

Reading through ebooks

Writing on the other hand, like reading is also a good source of past time. You can write not only because it is required, you can also do it out of passion and entertainment. You can create your personal diary in order to express your concealed sentiments. You can also make your own blogs and creative stories on wattpad so that other people can read, relate and leave comments on your story or article. You can publish books that can motivate and give readers experience-based  life lessons. You learn while you compose your thoughts; you learn as you recall occurrence. This is low-cost hobby by the way, so no need to worry about spending 'cause a pen and paper are enough.


Reading and Writing always come in pair - you learn to write while you read and learn how to understand article once you write. It's best to have this activity done while eating something like snacks or deserts. You may also provide background music for better reflection. Indeed, these two are really good things to do in order to beat boredom and nourish your unhealthy schedule.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Provender Delight

No doubt that one of the best kinds of recreation is food trip. If you are so bored of eating the same food everyday then take an adventure with a variety of delicacies!
Eating never goes out of style. In fact 2 out 3 people love eating. Food is a very broad term for it can have many examples for as long as it is edible it is considered as "food". You can do many experiments withs spices, vegetables, fruits ad some other ingredients to make a very good and tasty product.

Lets not deal more on the eating itself but on interest-based kind of cuisine.

For Filipino food taste, the LECHON ranks first.

     The Lechon is actually a popular dish in the Philippines which features a whole roasted pig that's cooked over charcoal. We prepare it whenever a special occasion is being celebrated such s fiestas, birthdays, weddings etc. Before being roasted, special seasonings and spices are being added by us. Then the entire pig is skewered on a large stick provided that its entrails are already removed. Then we roll it over and cook over a pit of charcoal. The pig is roasted on all sides for several hours until done. The way it was cooked gives the dish it's featured quality which is the crispy pork skin. I can say that the meat is really tender. You will feel it's delectable taste when you match it with rice, for sure you'll be eating a lot. 

For Korean food likers, try the best dish Korean dish I've tried, Samgyupsal and Gimbap.
     Samgyupsal  is also a popular korean dish which can served either at home or at restaurants that special on meat dishes. It consists of thick pork strips and usually cooked on a grill with pa muchimkimchi, mushrooms, garlic, onions and consumed altogether. This dish is usually served with side dishes like leafy vegetables(lettuce, spinach etc.) and a dab of ssamjang (usually made of gochujang or dwenjang). In korean restaurants, you'll be the one to grill the pork in the grill located in the middle of the table. Although it takes time for it to be cooked, I find it fun while grilling the meat. The cooked samgyupsal is really juicy and a bit crispy. You can also create your own way on how to eat it according to your tongue's desire by adding some spices or vegetables.  I like to have the meat rolled inside a lettuce together with kimchi soup while having rice as a partner.

For Japanese food explorers, you should try my favorites, Sushi and Ramen.
    Sushi is one of the most popular dish among the Japanese themselves. It is actually a dish consisting of cooked vinegared rice usually combined with other ingredients like veggies, seafood and topical fruits. I do prepare it with either brown or white rice. Sushi can have a variety of types according to how it is prepared like nigiri, gunkan, norimaki, inari etc. Sushi is commonly served with wasabi and I sometimes add broccoli to add flavor.

    Ramen is a noodle soup dish. Ramen is actually my favorite Japanese dish. The taste of the noodles and soup is very different from ordinary noodles. The soup is rich in seafood or meat taste. It is widely available to everyone for it is not that expensive. Ramen is classified according to different soup base like the shoyu, shio, miso etc. 

For Western food tongues, you can have lots of choices such as pasta, pizza, burger and a lot more choices. Lastly, you can just create your own kind of dessert or snack. You can have cakes and cup cakes of different flavors. You can have browniescookiesbiscuitsgelatinspastriesice creamspiespuddings, and candies. You can actually mix it in accordance to your taste or add fruits to it in order to make it more creative and more pleasing to the mouth.

To make food trip at its best, be with your friends, family or loved ones. As you eat and enjoy the food, you can actually have more fun while chatting and sharing stories. This is an effective way to unwind and be happy.

Now that were done with food, our next target will focus on Reading and Writing. This is another example of Indoor Recreation which can actually develop the way we think and can lead us to a new world. This is also a good stress reliever tho for this focuses on self expression and art. So stay in lined with my next blog and let's make that life the best version!